Plans vs decisions

Project title: Plans vs. actions — a Theoretical and Empirical Analysis of Outmigration and Return Migration Intentions and Behavior

Financing: National Science Centre grant SONATA-14 2018/31/D/HS4/01523


June 2024: Paper presented at the EPC Conference in Edinburgh!

May 2024: A follow-up survey with Ukrainians is underway!

October 2023: A new analysis coming up! This time with Agata Górny we will be looking at the realization of plans of Ukrainians in Poland.

September 2023: Twitter paper presented at the KBnM Conference in Białystok!

August 2023: The pilot study follow-up is finally wrapped up. Let’s see who put their intentions into action and who did not!

June 2023: The first version of our analysis of tweet phrases as predictors of migration behavior is ready to be discussed!

January 2023: While waiting for the potential migrants to move (or not), we’re looking at Tweets. Stay tuned!

August 2022: The pilot study with students of the Faculty of Economic Sciences is underway!

January 2022: Back on track! Teamed up with Hayk Amirkhanyan to push research forward!

April 2020: We are past the initial stages of the project… but COVID-19 does not help in studying migration intentions…

July 2019: The project kicks off! With the aim to widen the knowledge of relationships between migration plans and behavior.